Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Video Sequel

Due to the unprecedented requests for a sequel to the Hand's-eye video (actually I had only one request and it was from me), I made a Foot's-eye video. I'll bet you're excited. This is what happens when I spend an hour alone in the boulder area waiting for Lisa so we can do a Brick Yards recon.


Lisa said...

hhhmm. I am so excited but i don't think it is working.

Lisa said...

Never mind, it works. Man, is that the music that you have in your head??

richard said...

Lisa, No. Mostly the music I had in my head was "Please don't drop the camera. Tape, please hold the camera in place so it works this time." I used about 1/4 of a roll of athletic tape to attach the camera to my foot.

Lisa said...

Richard, I know that we should never leave you alone! Next time call me and tell me to get a move on!

Julianne V. said...

How do you find all this music that fits so perfectly?! Wow, not only am I impressed by your climbing skills and your videography skills, but also with your knowledge of music! A man of many talents, Richard.