Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day Off? Cross-Training!

It was nice that Steve wrote a training program for his guides to prepare to lead folks up Devil's Tower and it was nice that he shared it with us. I though it looked great totally hard core enough for the WR Crew. QD didn't like the idea of biking to the gym but I did!
There was one part that I did not understand. Day 4- Take the day off. What? I'm confused, why would we do that? I have an option for anyone else that was confused by that directive.
Go to the garage and find an object with a handle and of moderate weight, like a leaf blower. Flake and coil the cord 3 times. then walk slowly up the driveway swinging the object from side to side, using the full extension of your arms. The find a pole with a fan like attachment, do resistance training by dragging this object across the grass. If you walk backward slowly, you can work on your balance as well. Since Mel has taken some time off, I thought it might enhance her workout to hoist a 25 lb weight up onto her hip and balance it there while performing this workout. That move might be too much for the guys. If you lack the gear or facilities to do this workout, let me know. You can come over to my house and I will hook you up.

1 comment:

richard said...

Lisa, good training program. And it seemed to work today. This weekend you can do training in my yard.