Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Report from the VE Social Secretary:

Upon arrival at the gym, I saw that my regular partner was climbing with 3 very short girls so I paired up with Aaron 2.0. We commenced to warm up, both weary from a couple of days of fun outside. We were joined by Kyle and Greg Tambo.....Then my 3 kiddos showed up and we showed those gals from Duluth, the St. Paul ropes. Then the crisis hit.
Someone changed the White PPM route in the chimney! I alerted PPM himself. Shock and horror prevailed. Ok, I climbed it. I got real crabby in the middle, but I climbed it. After that I had to leave, I was too upset. But I made sure everyone had someone to climb with before I left.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa the Sunbeam.

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