Sunday, August 10, 2008

Does Climbing Matter Anymore?

A provocative title of this NY Times article. Included are these quotes about the recent K-2 accident:

'Dozens of readers commented at the New York Times Web site with sentiments overwhelmingly along these lines: “Utterly pointless. What a waste of time and lives.” Or, “Why is this news? Reckless incompetents commit utterly predictable suicide, endangering rescuers.” Or, simply, “No Sympathy. Sorry.”'

"But climbers argued last week that despite the tragedy, there was value in taking risks against nearly impossible odds, testing the strengths of human nature in extremes, and continuing to explore the world’s frontiers."

So what do you think? When conquering the last unclimbed peaks,

"There was something pure and glorious in what they did as they climbed into worlds where no one else had been."

Since there no more peaks to conquer, is mountain climbing not heroic anymore? Does it matter? And to whom is it supposed to matter?

(Also check out the interactive graphic on the K-2 accident.)

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