Sunday, June 22, 2008

Read This Book

Hey WR crew I just finished reading a great book about a moutaineer who attemped to climb K2 and ended up with the more daunting task of building schools in Pakistan. It's quite the adventure tale. I have a copy if you would like to borrow it. But better yet, go buy a copy, 7% of the proceed benefit the cause. Education is the best way to fight terrorism. Really, it is.
He's a Minnesotan, raised in Kenya, lives in Bozeman. Gosh do I know him? I guess I would like to but he is probably too busy to climb with me. Seriously, for more info go to

1 comment:

richard said...

2 male friends of mine who aren't climbers, just finished this book and they enjoyed it too.

I'm trying to finish a book called "3 Cups of Coffee" but I keep having to put it down to go to the bathroom. Odd, huh?