Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hiking The Appalachia Trail To Africa

AP Photo

There’s a plan to extend the Appalachia Trail across the Atlantic

“A few hundred million years ago, after the continental plates of Europe and North America collided, they broke up and drifted toward their present locations, Anderson said. The remnants of that colossal crash formed mountains that now rim the North Atlantic.

On the west they're called the Appalachians. On the east, they're known by a variety of names - from the Western Alps in Norway to the Caledonides on the British Isles and Atlas Mountains in Morocco, where they end.

As it's now shaping up, the IAT will brush the east coast of Greenland before picking up in Ireland and Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. It will resume on the mainland in Norway and proceed south through France, Portugal, nip western Spain and end in Morocco. Trails already exist along much of the conceptual route, planners point out, so participating countries in many cases can mark certain trail segments with the IAT sign to make it part of the network.”

I wish the planet would stop moving all over the place just settle down!

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