Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday at Red Wing

Mel and I ventured forth undaunted but the absence of Red Wing Ron, we missed him though. We bravely did leads like One Hand Jam and "that frenchy one" The place was sure crowded. We ran into Levi, Jay and Ryan, it was Ryan's first time leading and he did great! We climbed Perfect Crimb, as they worked on that roof next door, it looked TUFF!

I noticed "Good Job, Mom" seems to carry more weight than "Atta Girl Lisa". Not sure why. Thanks Levi. That doesn't mean you all get to call me mom, so don't even try it. Except for those of you that are actually my children.

Then we saw a most pitiful sight, Ward looking for a belay, we had mercy on him and he climbed up Barn Burner, fast, like he did it a zillion times. It was inspiring, so I climbed it too. Well most of it anyway, with the enthusiam of Mel, my belayer. I climbed it in the same fashion that I climb all 5.11's. It wasn't pretty or clean, but I worked real hard. Thanks team!

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