Monday, November 3, 2008

Richard, Don't do that to your poor face!

This is how you leave a good looking corpse! Yep, Yoga for your face

Muscle tension in the face contributes to lines and wrinkles while sagging jowls are caused by weak muscles. Face toning regimens have appeared for years in ladies magazines, and now that yoga is really taking off this is the latest trend to ride its coat tails.

Here are some of the exercises:

  • Crow's Feet: Open the eyes wide, as if startled or scared to decrease unwanted lines around the eyes.
  • Wide Nose: Alternate nostril breathing to create a more narrow and symmetrical nose.
  • Plumper Lips: Tap lips 5 times with your index finger.

1 comment:

richard said...

I'm too busy talking to tap my lips 5 times. Maybe while I'm sleeping I can do the tapping thing.