Saturday, January 2, 2010

Amazing! Watch this.

It is not just climbing but a whole cultural experience. But don't try this no rope stuff, I am against it.

There are pygmy skulls and pygmy cliff houses and jazz trumpets and stilt dancing.


richard said...

I could do that if someone would play a jazz trumpet.

richard said...

That is quite amazing.

Pamela said...

if she had been wearing a red shirt, her ascent would have been much easier to follow!

Pamela said...

my question is: what happens when one of those seemingly nice handholds flakes off and you lose your grip or foothold that way?

Lisa said...

hahaha, yes a red shirt!
and yes my greatest fear cataclysmic geologic failure would be bad, that's why I like a rope! Common sense like this is how I got to be so old! :)