Thursday, December 2, 2010

Climbing Everest? “Big Freaking Deal"!”

Climbing Mt Everest, “big freaking deal” says Abdul Milazi from South Africa.

“A close friend of mine says he plans to climb Mount Everest within the next two years – and I told him I won’t waste my sympathy on him should he die there…

I have walked 30 kilometres a day, five days a week from age five until I was 13 – not because it was some symbolic achievement – I had to get to school and back every day. At 12 years of age I have swum across a flooded Umzimkhulu river (one of the largest rivers in KwaZulu Natal), walked 50 kilometres in one day, also not for some achievement, but to run errands for my parents.
Place a couple of millions of rands, dollars, pounds or euros at the summit of Mount Everest and I just may consider climbing it.”

How much would they have to pay you to climb it?

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