Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Sleeping Bat Awakes!

Our intrepid videographer - Mike - noticed this face while watching the video of Aaron2.0 climbing "Sleeping Bat." Can you see it? Do you think it looks more like a bear than a bat? I do. If you want to see it bigger, watch for it in the first 4-6seconds - especially at second 6 - of the video of Aaron2.0 below. I've tried to enlarge it but no luck. You can click on the photo and it gets slightly bigger. Lisa says she sees a climber there with left leg in the middle of the circle, right leg going straight down. Thanks Mike-san.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

ok, weird and I think I see what you see, but more than that I see a climber! Her extended left arm is in the middle of the circle. Left leg is bent, right leg goes straight down, do you see her?