Yesterday, after
overtraing for 6 days, Richard decided that he should take a day of rest. (sound familiar?!) It was up to
SunBeam, Carl (code-name Karl) Flash, and
Beaner (
beaner?!) to make sure that Richard kept this vow to his
We all met up at the gym at 12:30. After a brief meeting, we decided that we should split-up; as Richard is known for
overtraining in many settings, and can be very hard to locate. Flash checked in B1 and B2, Lisa and Karl topped some routes in the small pit; just to make sure Richard wasn't hiding there. Eric and I peeked over a few roofs; no sign of him. Lisa had a great idea! She figured: if Richard was at the gym, the best way to lure him out would be to use a lead rope as bait. Lisa, Aaron, Flash, and Eric lead the blue route next to the small pit. We then went over to the walls by the arch, thinking that some more difficult climbs would draw him out; if he
truly was there... Flash did awesome on the blue 5.10, and Aaron grunted his way up the new white route. Carl and Lisa were off in a corner somewhere doing god-knows-what.
After a few hours of searching we agreed that Richard did indeed take the day off. That means we are all in trouble on Wednesday, as Richard will come back refreshed and ready to knock the pants off of that big pink lead out of the pit.
As for myself; I think I'm going to take it easy. I need to save my energy as I am expecting early morning phone calls and emails from Richard and Lisa regarding a
spontaneous trip to
Redwing/Willow River/
Taylors Falls.